I've started a new blog called all writey then. It's real plain-jane so far, even more so than this one. I'm not sure what the reason behind the change is.
When I was just out of high school and I started to feel that pressure build up like a storm a coming, that feeling that something needed to change but I felt powerless to make any definitive life movements, I'd put another hole in my ears. I ended up with five in one and four in the other. There was something so satisfying about the chunk-stab of it- like putting a needle through a dried apricot. Or I'd make a dress, or I'd shave my head. Year before last I went through a pie thing where I baked and ate pie every day for about a week and a half. That was great. I love pie.
I guess now I start a new blog.
I haven't been very good so far about replying to my comments. And I haven't put up a blog roll or fleshed it out in any way. It's a new room with a fresh coat of paint and lots of windows and I have a table and a chair there, pen and paper, cup of coffee, and space enough. Would you come to visit? Perhaps I'll even make pie.
When Life Isn't Sweet Enough Candy Pie
1 deep dish pie crust, slightly thawed
60% chocolate bittersweet Ghirardelli chips
walnuts, rough chopped
dried cherries
real maple syrup, B grade
Preheat the oven to 375 F. Cover the bottom of the crust with chocolate chips. Cover the chocolate chips with walnuts and cherries. Sprinkle with more chocolate chips. Pour maple syrup over the whole mess, but just enough to wet, not enough to cover. Fold the walls of the pie crust over the top of the filling (the filling should only go about halfway up the sides) so it's all nice and tucked in, and you have a bit of a top crust. Place pie on a cookie sheet. Bake until the crust is golden brown and not raw looking. Remove from oven and chill.
sour cream
heavy whipping cream
maple syrup
Whip all ingredients together until the soft-but-firm stage.
Slice pie into small wedges and top with cream. Contemplate life.
Wait And See, Or Fuck Around And Find Out?
22 hours ago
I love that your house has two rooms. I love that your life has pie.
I love your life, your bones, your blood, your heart, your soul, and every hair on your head.
Mama, I have already eaten my entire key lime pie. It was so good. You make the best pie ever. I love you so, every little piece of you.
Whoa, that pie is too much.
Oh, good God. That pie recipe.
I used to do the same thing, many a moon ago...
ear piercings, haircuts, boys, apartments
mostly I just changed my lipstick color
That pie is now on our holiday weekend menu.
Photos, I want photos of this pie you speak of!!!
I rework my beard and hair when I need a change.
But here's the thing. My brother is getting married in a month or so, and in a fit of crazy, I offered to let him pick my hair and beard configuration for his special day. I didn't limit him. I probably shouldn't have suggested that he may want to select a neckbeard-only set of hair, but if that's what he wants, so be it.
I'll follow your words anywhere, May. Even if you make fun of my possibly pending neckbeard.
Off to follow you there. Obviously.
I love you, doll. I will be reading and reading whenever you post.
I'm so there!
What time?
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